Black and white photography was born in 1790, the year in which the first photographic print was made, that is, the first impression of an image on paper. This kind of photography was born as a lack of technique: at the dawn of photography, in fact, it was not possible to reproduce color photos. With the advancement of technology, the color photo became an invention destined to change social habits and the perception of reality. In spite of this, black and white photography not only resisted the change in technology, but became a true artistic achievement.
Black and white photographs often evoke nostalgic memories, they make us go back in time catapulting us into a distant past, but always close. Capable of arousing fascination and emotion in the eyes of the beholder, this style was considered a major source of inspiration by the vast majority of photographers of the 20th century.
Photographing in black and white: some exponents
Black and white photography thrives above all on strong contrasts between areas of light and areas of shadow. The lack of color helps the photographer himself to concentrate on the aspects of photographic composition, as he is not distracted by the presence of color.
Unlike in the past, today black and white is an artistic choice of the photographer, an expressive tool that can be used transversally in any genre.
Among the major exponents it is certainly appropriate to talk about Sebastião Salgado, one of the most famous photographers in the world. During the course of his career he has dealt with the Indios and the peasants of Latin America, he has documented humanity in motion and the inhuman work in the mines of Brazil affirming that his photographs, although having an artistic value, are first of all images born to inform. And it is precisely the very high level of his black and white shots, with their absolute formal perfection, that enchants collectors.

This type of photography reproduces reality, but at the same time elevates it by showing its intensity. It is no coincidence that for Sebastião Salgado it is the main tool to tell complex stories, made of misery and poverty, climate change and exploitation of nature and man. What transpires from his shots is a beauty that is indecipherable in words and at the same time poignant.
Among the main exponents of humanistic photography and master of black and white also Robert Doisneau, whose works were always focused on the revelation of human emotions, putting them at the center of every shot. In the Parisian suburbs, in romanticism and children we find the most significant photographs of the author.

Also known and appreciated for his black and white technique is Ansel Adams. What the photographer wants to communicate in his shots is the emotionality of nature. Black and white, in this sense, succeeds better than color in penetrating this profound essence. In fact, black and white concentrates on pure forms, on geometries, on the simplicity of the contrast between light and dark and between lights and shadows.

Black and white photography today
Black and white photography dates back to the very origins of the discipline, inspiring photographers who, during the 20th century, created true masterpieces. Even today many services, dedicated to exhibitions and reportages, are developed and printed in black and white. In fact, this technique is still widely used by artists who, through their works, intend to convey the depth and emotions that, if interpreted effectively, black and white can be able to enhance.
Mariachiara Proietti Di Fulvio
Sources: https://www.pinterest.it/manettimassimo66/rodney-smith/