

10X10 mostra al Mudec

Digital Exhibition: the Mudec presents 10X10, ten women who have revolutionized the world of photography

In the era of Covid19, the way of experiencing culture has changed but despite the restrictions and closures, author photography has never been so present even at distance. In 2021 the photographic exhibitions in digital format will restart: in short, a year full of news for those who love portraits, street or social photography is […]

Digital Exhibition: the Mudec presents 10X10, ten women who have revolutionized the world of photography Leggi tutto »

Collateral exhibition

Sguardi collaterali L’idea di una raccolta d’immagini da riunire sotto il titolo di “Sguardi collaterali”, è scaturita da una reiterata e sperimentata separazione tra fotografia intesa come professione e allo stesso tempo vissuta come strumento di libera espressione creativa. Una folta agenda di lavori fotografici commissionati procura sicurezza economica, ma a volte comporta anche obblighi

Collateral exhibition Leggi tutto »



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