
food photography


In recent times, food is very fashionable, and the interest in photographing food has also grown. The genre that deals with this is food photography.  The aim of food photography is to capture food while conveying certain feelings to the viewer. What is food photography? Food photography is a very popular and followed field of […]


Interview | A chat with Jonathan L'Epée Urbani about food and landscape photography

Interview | A chat with Jonathan L’Epée Urbani about food and landscape photography

Jonathan (Instagram @jlu2789) has been taking pictures since he was a little child. He used to steal his mother’s disposable cameras during their holidays around Italy. His never-ending seek of emotions to transmit through his photographs goes through both food and landscape photography.   Can you tell us something about yourself? That’s a hard question

Interview | A chat with Jonathan L’Epée Urbani about food and landscape photography Leggi tutto »

Still Life e food photography: tecniche e consigli per ridare vita a una natura morta

La fotografia di Still Life si è evoluta negli ultimi anni. Si è passati dalle immagini da catalogo statiche e impersonali, dove solo l’oggetto veniva mostrato in più angolazioni, a dei veri e propri set. Oggi si parla di Still Life ambientata per indicare l’interazione che si crea tra soggetto e oggetti di scena coerenti. Il

Still Life e food photography: tecniche e consigli per ridare vita a una natura morta Leggi tutto »

francesco pruneddu

Interview| Francesco Pruneddu: una food photography dai tratti rustici all’insegna della convivialità

Giovane, sardo, amante del cibo e dell’arte Francesco Pruneddu, @ch_ecco sui social, ci racconta come la sua passione per gli artisti fiamminghi e post-impressionisti si sia evoluta in una food photo dai toni rustici e “caserecci” in grado di far sentire il profumo dei suoi scatti. Raccontaci chi è Francesco Fa molto Marzullo (ride ndr).

Interview| Francesco Pruneddu: una food photography dai tratti rustici all’insegna della convivialità Leggi tutto »



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