In recent times, food is very fashionable, and the interest in photographing food has also grown. The genre that deals with this is food photography. The aim of food photography is to capture food while conveying certain feelings to the viewer.
What is food photography?

Food photography is a very popular and followed field of photography. Several fields use this type of photography. Culinary activities, books and magazines dedicated to cooking use food photography. Capturing the essence of the food in such a way that you can almost taste and smell it is one of the skills of food photography.
What equipment does food photography use? The camera must have manual controls and a lens of 50 mm and larger. It is important that the lens aperture is also very wide. Light is crucial. The presence of a flash or lighting for photographic use is very important. Appropriate equipment modifies artificial light. It can be useful to use a tripod especially when in places with poor lighting or when close-up shots have to be taken. Choosing the most suitable composition is very important.
Food photography and smartphone
The smartphone is a popular tool for taking pictures of food, especially for those who post pictures on their Instagram. When using a smartphone to take pictures of food, it is important to pay attention to the light when taking the picture. The composition of the photo is important, so it is best to pay attention to the elements present. Also pay attention to the colours present in the photo, you need to be careful to the shades used.
Christmas food photography

The festive season is always an opportunity to give space to our want to photograph food. Food takes centre stage during the Christmas holidays in photos that are then posted on social media. During the festive season, retailers also use food photography to entice people to buy a good craft product. Seeing photos of panettone, pandoro or other Christmas cakes makes people’s mouths water and sellers buy more.
Giulia Antonelli