street photography

© Garry Winogrand


Street photography belongs to the various genres of photography. The subjects appear in the photos in real and spontaneous situations in public places in street photography. And emphasises aspects of life and everyday life. What it is Street photography captures moments of everyday life so that they can stay in the memory. The aim is


Street photography restarts from the web: ISPF organizes 3 days full of meetings, competitions, and workshops

Covid-19 has not stopped street photography. It restarts from the web, after a year of restrictions, during which culture and art have been put aside in a sort of forced stand-by. Photographic art has reinvented itself with streaming photo exhibits, webinars, and remote photo shoots. Among the online initiatives, the launch of a new competition

Street photography restarts from the web: ISPF organizes 3 days full of meetings, competitions, and workshops Leggi tutto »

Fotografia professionale

Street photography & reportage| Guide Book for a traveler – photographer : tools and advice to bring with you to take original pictures

Reportage and street photography are fluid and versatile genres. They don’t have predefined times and methods but let themselves be carried away by the inspiration that everyday stories offer to the photographer. You can use many ways to express a message, a concept or the emotion of the moment. Despite the complexity from a technical

Street photography & reportage| Guide Book for a traveler – photographer : tools and advice to bring with you to take original pictures Leggi tutto »

Street Photography

Street Photography e la filosofia del “Carpe Diem”

Movimento fotografico dell’attimo fuggente, della spontaneità e dell’inaspettato. Questa potrebbe essere una breve definizione di quella che viene denominata “street photography”, anche se non è così semplice individuarne una ben precisa. Per questo motivo si rende necessario porre in rilievo alcuni dei suoi punti cardine per delimitare tale genere fotografico, rintracciarne le condizioni imprescindibili. Caratteristiche

Street Photography e la filosofia del “Carpe Diem” Leggi tutto »

autoritratto 1954

Identikit| Vivian Maier: Mary Poppins with the Rolleyflex on the streets of the Bronx

“I photographed the moments of your eternity, so that they wouldn’t be lost”.   In 2007 John Maloof bought a warehouse at auction in Chicago. Inside he finds an old trunk with more than one hundred thousand negatives: he realizes that he has found Vivian Maier’s hidden treasure. So he decides to collect and pubblish

Identikit| Vivian Maier: Mary Poppins with the Rolleyflex on the streets of the Bronx Leggi tutto »

Intervista | Progresso Fotografico: il ritratto visto da Guido Fuà

Intervista a Guido Fuà sulle varie tipologie di ritratto per la rivista Progresso Fotografico. Sono particolarmente legato a quest’immagine. Anche se non sembra, è un ritratto nato dal compromesso fra un’idea creativa e i desideri dei soggetti fotografati. Era una mattina piovigginosa quando mi sono incontrato con i “Uochi Tochi”, gruppo della scena musicale underground

Intervista | Progresso Fotografico: il ritratto visto da Guido Fuà Leggi tutto »



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