

Fotografia professionale

Street photography & reportage| Guide Book for a traveler – photographer : tools and advice to bring with you to take original pictures

Reportage and street photography are fluid and versatile genres. They don’t have predefined times and methods but let themselves be carried away by the inspiration that everyday stories offer to the photographer. You can use many ways to express a message, a concept or the emotion of the moment. Despite the complexity from a technical

Street photography & reportage| Guide Book for a traveler – photographer : tools and advice to bring with you to take original pictures Leggi tutto »

Street Photography

Street Photography e la filosofia del “Carpe Diem”

Movimento fotografico dell’attimo fuggente, della spontaneità e dell’inaspettato. Questa potrebbe essere una breve definizione di quella che viene denominata “street photography”, anche se non è così semplice individuarne una ben precisa. Per questo motivo si rende necessario porre in rilievo alcuni dei suoi punti cardine per delimitare tale genere fotografico, rintracciarne le condizioni imprescindibili. Caratteristiche

Street Photography e la filosofia del “Carpe Diem” Leggi tutto »

Immersive journalism explained through drone journalism

Immersive journalism explained through drone journalism

Data gathering, gamification, avatars. What’s their meaning, from which planet do they come from, and what do all these technical terms have in common? Immersive journalism is the answer. The subject of the next paragraphs seems inaccessible and difficult to understand. However, each of us constantly comes in contact with this particular reality without even

Immersive journalism explained through drone journalism Leggi tutto »

Reportage Japan

Reportage Photography | Telling stories through images

Reportage Photography is a story through images. The shots follow a narrative thread, tell profound truths and capture real stories. Reportage photography is often combined with reportage journalism, which intends to document difficult realities, such as scenarios of war, countries shrouded in poverty or struck by environmental disasters. There are many themes on which the

Reportage Photography | Telling stories through images Leggi tutto »



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